Sunday, March 8, 2009

{three} months...

To view all images from Ava's 3 month photoshoot go to:

My darling, Ava, you are 3 months old today! I am holding you in my arms as I type this one-handed. I have almost mastered this skill as I have been practicing now for the last 3 months!
I love that you are such a cuddler. You have such a sweetness about you. I love seeing you smile every morning! You always wake up so happy! You recently started makes us laugh everytime!
Your big brother is so proud of you and you absolutely adore him. Your eyes follow him all over the room as he runs around entertaining you. He loves hugging and kissing you and you can't get enough of him!
Your daddy enjoys making you smile...he was actually the first person you smiled at!
You have turned into such a good natured baby. We have learned what you like and dislike. You like to fall asleep being rocked with a pacifier in your mouth and a blankie over your head. You don't like to sleep on your back. You like to be sung to. You don't like it when people throw you up above their head. You like to rub your hair between your fingers when you nurse. You like getting dressed or undressed. You love having a bath. You don't like being cold when you get out though! I know there will be so many more things we will learn about you. I can't wait to find out all those things that will make you, YOU!
I love you baby girl. You have filled me with more love than I knew was possible. There are so many things I want to say to you...

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