She's 6 months old today. I can't even believe it!! It's so wierd actually because it seems like just yesterday I was so anticipating her arrival and the day couldn't get here quick enough when I could finally see my daughter...then at other times I can't hardly remember when she wasn't in my life! Time is a funny thing!
Ava...I don't even know if there are words that could adequately express just how much I love you my darling...but I will try....
You are 6 months old already and such a beautiful baby. EVERYONE thinks so! Even strangers will stop to talk to you and tell us how pretty they think you are and they are amazed at how many smiles you give away!! Your face just lights up when people look at you.
You are such an easy baby, always so content. You love to cuddle and I love it too. I love singing to you and watching you discover the world around you. You have been sitting up for about amonth and quite confidently in the last week or so. Recently you started getting up on all fours and rocking like you'll start crawling any minute! You let me dress you up and put all kinds of bows and headbands and hats on your head and paint your little piggies. You don't mind a bit! You are my little doll. You are the tiniest little baby girl which is so hard to believe by all the food you eat! You like every kind of veggie and cereal and most fruit. Especially banana! Your favorite though is to nurse and I don't mind. I will miss those intimate times that only you and I share. You really enjoy being on the floor with your baby dolls around you, although recently you have been very interested in your big brothers toys...
Speaking of your big brother...He absolutely adores you and just can't get enough of you. He almost always refeers to you as 'my baby sister' instead of by your name. He is also very protective of you. He wants nothing more than to make you laugh and to shower you with kisses. It's sweet to see him treating you so gently and loving you with such tenderness. He tries to include you in everything he does. You love watching him play, and I know you just can't wait to be running around with him.
Your daddy thinks you are pretty sweet too. He always tries to get you to laugh(which isn't hard for him). He loves to find all of your ticklish spots. I love listening to him talk softly and sweetly to you when he is getting you ready for the day or just cuddling with you while he cradles you so perfectly in the crook of his arm where you often fall asleep so calm and content.
I wish that I could freeze time and keep you just the way you are because you are so perfect! But I know I can't. So I will be gratefull for every moment that I get with you and I will treasure all your smiles and cuddles.
You are my dream come true! I love you more than I could ever say with words!
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